Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Election

Since my last blog was basically my congratulations to Governor Palin, I thought I was due for an update today. Again, I want to say how proud I have been of our dear Governor in this hard fought battle, and I am not ashamed to say that I was among the many who voted for her and Senator McCain. That said, I also want to wish my congratulations to President-elect Obama and all of his supporters today. First and foremost, I am thrilled that my children will grow up knowing that anyone of any race or ethnicity can be the president of the United States. What an historic time to be alive. While I don't agree with many of our new President's policies, I do respect him. The Bibile says, in Romans 13, that there is no authority except that which God has established. I respect and honor the authority given to President-elect Obama, by God and the people of the United States. I am grateful that I live in a country where I am free to disagree with him, but more importantly, I am free to pray for him. I am encouraging you all to do the same. To those who, like me, voted for Senator McCain yesterday, I am not asking you to pray that our new President would do what you want him to. I am not suggesting that you pray he would suddenly embrace different policies and become the President we had hoped for. I am saying, let's pray for Barack Obama, the individual. Let's pray that he would have wisdom and strength, directly from God. Let's put aside partisanship and pray that the United States would flourish under his leadership, because that's good for the country! Check your heart today, are you hoping to see him fail? I am talking directly to my conservative friends and family now. Let's not disrespect this new president the way so many have done to the current president. Let's not 'cut off our nose to spite our face,' so to speak. We are all Americans, and may God bless America.