Monday, April 28, 2008

The Newly Crowned Mrs. AK!!

Here I am, the New Mrs. Alaska United States. I've never been a blogger before, so bear with me while I get the hang of this. I just never felt like anyone would want to read all about me, but suddenly I guess I'm interesting. The last month has been a whirlwind, and I get the feeling it's just the beginning. We're trying to get the official website updated, so keep checking up on that at
Thanks to God for this opportunity and thank you to all my sponsors and of course my very supportive friends and family. A special thank you to Rachel Garness and Anji Stubbs for making me into Mrs. Alaska material.


Unknown said...

Congratulations. We are very good frends of Jon and Lori Wheeler.

It is good to see your success and the work your husband and yourself do. We will follow with interest in your national contest.

The best to you.

Bev & Sharon Graver

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Mrs. Gray! I am sooo thrilled for you - you have one exciting year ahead! :)


lauren smith 06 said...

Congrats Erin, you truely were an inspiration to everyone around you. You worked hard at your crown and desirve it! I wish the best for you. May you continue to touch the lives around you.


Kyra said...

Erin Lynn I am SO excited in what God is doing in your life. He has given you such an amazing opportunity. I am so proud of you and very excited to see where this brings you next! HOW EXCITING!!!!

I will see you at church!

Anonymous said...


Alaska has some fine married ladies

Unknown said...

This past year Jeannine Jabaay has kept us posted on her whirlwind travels as Mrs. Alaska United States 2007.
She previously visited us at our Eden House Girl's Home in Northern Thailand. We prayed for Jeannine this past year for rest, peace, and endurance and will do the same for you.
Vern & Audrey Mc Cauley
Chiang Rai, Thailand

Anonymous said...

Erin, when given the spotlight, you diverted it to another, yet again.
At your HS graduation you invited me (your step-mom) to come up and receive roses-thanks for grading your tests. More recently, for your on-stage question, you honored Tristen, your god-daughter.
In moments when the lights glimmer on you, you lifted up others. How could we not be proud of you? You're are a wonderful daughter, and loving friend.