Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Proud to be an Alaskan!!

Wow, what a week! I couldn't be more proud to represent Alaska this week, since our governor Sarah Palin was nominated as the vice-presidential candidate on the republican ticket. Governor Palin makes me proud to be an Alaskan and a woman. She is a woman of great strength and conviction who I've admired for several years. By the way, she was once a beauty pageant winner like me. :)
I couldn't be happier to be seeing her get such national recognition. We are all just thrilled here, as we already know what great things she is capable of. As Mrs. Alaska, I have had the opportunity to meet her and be photographed with her. It's unbelievable that could soon be a picture of me with the Vice-President of the United States! Whatever the outcome of the upcoming election, I hope Sarah knows that back home in Alaskan, our thoughts and prayers are with her and that she has already accomplished much to be proud of.


Unknown said...

we were on our way out of town early in the morning when we heard the news. after calling rachelle. i wanted to call you because i remember seeing your picture in snapfish and saw it posted on your fridge with you and sarah palin :)that would be pretty awesome VP!

Anonymous said...

Erin, I live in Seattle and like you my family is very proud of Sara. I was visiting Alaska with my son and a friend of his two weeks ago and stoped by to visit Matt,Wanda and the kids. I love them. Both are so proud of you and I can see why. Good luck with everthing you are doing and Go Sara.......