Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Thank you all!

Just a quick post to say that the mrsak.com website has gotten over 1300 hits in the last 4 days since I was crowned. I just wanted to thank you all for being so supportive and just as excited about this as I am!


Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you! Even as the awkward but adorable tomboy at your Dad's wedding in 1994 it was obvious that you were someone very special. You were one of Jamie's and my biggest cheerleaders in those first few months and I'll always appreciate that. You have become such an amazing woman, wife and mother; you are truly an inspiration! Much Love ~ Jennifer

Anonymous said...

I was in the audience the night you were crowned (my wife dragged me there - she wants to compete next year) and I must say you were so graceful and fun to watch. Congratulations and have a great year. Maybe I'll see you at next year's pageant when you crown my wife.

Anonymous said...

that is a crazy amount of people interested in pageants in alaska

you must feel really good about winning
